We are under an immense amount of construction right now. Please bear with us as we are in the middle of producing our first issue as well as the launch of a new website all due out on November 10th!

We are everything but… Vanilla seeks to expose authors and artists alike to a public forum without sacrificing creative identity. Your absurdity, tragedy, photography, sessions of deep thought, or artistic whimsies drawn on a fast food napkin are what we crave. Contribute to our community and claim a cubbyhole.

©Carrie Jehle & Vanilla

Welcome to Vanilla, a quarterly literary and arts journal. Our vision is to bring unique styles and viewpoints of all literary and artistic genres to the mainstream. We are in the birthing process of our alpha issue, due out in November. We strive to tantalize all of your senses in every issue and are constantly searching for others who do the same in their work. If you believe that your vision aligns with ours and are interested in submitting to the journal please see the submission guidelines for more information.

Pull up a seat and get to know us. For regular weekly updates and artistic whimsies please visit our Musings page.

If there are any errors please be sure to email us: