Vanilla is published every quarter, releasing new issues in February, May, August and November both in digital and hard-copy format. We do accept submissions year around for all issues as well as highlight spots for web posting semi-quarterly.

We accept innovative, original pieces that are previously unpublished. By making a submission you are agreeing that the work that you are presenting is your own and will be copyrighted to your name and Vanilla Press.

Multiple submissions are accepted at this time for all genres. We do ask however, that all submissions be sent individually using the genre as your subject line.

Simultaneous submissions to other publications are accepted with the understanding that we will be notified immediately should you choose to publish elsewhere.

Should a piece that is originally published with us be selected by another publisher, once your piece has been archived, please ensure that Vanilla is accredited with first rights.

You may query the editors regarding specific subjects and needs. Please allow ample response time.

We currently accept electronic submissions only. Please send all art, photos and literary works to:

Please, again, use the genre of your piece as your subject line and include in the first line of your submission the following information:

Your Name

The Title of Your Work


Please also include a brief bio that will be published with your work.

Response time for submissions is up to four weeks; if we think that there may be a delay in response you will be notified. We will contact you at the email address supplied. Please be patient as all of the editors of Vanilla do have full time jobs and other life obligations to fulfill.

Regretfully we are unable to offer payment for submissions at this time.